The Christ Hospital Health Network Administrative Residency Program

Job Description

The Christ Hospital Health Network (TCHHN) is excited to continue partnership with Xavier University to offer Administrative Residency opportunities for professionals in the MHSA program. The TCHHN Administrative Residency program includes a structured approach that allows Residents to gain strategic, operational and administrative experience throughout the enterprise. Residents will participate in experiential learning projects facilitated by a designated Executive Sponsor, Preceptor and other Operational Leaders.

We invite you to submit your application and include a cover letter, resume and two letters of recommendation as soon as possible, no later than end of day Friday, September 13, 2024.

Ben Kujawa, current TCHHN Resident, will serve as your primary point of contact during the application process. Ben can be reached at

Thank you for your interest in joining The Christ Hospital Health Network, Cincinnati's Number 1 Hospital!